Prohibited Content

Please don’t use Vast Reach to distribute anything offensive, to promote anything illegal, or to harass anyone.

You may not use Vast Reach to create, send, or display messages or content pertaining to:

  • illegal goods or services
  • violating the CAN-SPAM or other anti-spam laws
  • Pornography/sexually explicit content
  • Terrorism or violent extremism
    Some sectors have higher-than-average abuse complaints, which can jeopardize deliverability. In order to maintain the reliability of our platform, we do not allow businesses that offer these types of services, products, or content:
  • Prostitution, escort services, mail-order brides,marriage brokers, and other similar apps, sites and services
  • Hookup, swinger, or sexual encounter services
  • Work from home, make money online, and lead generation opportunities
  • Gambling and gambling related products
  • Multi - level marketing
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Credit repair and get out of debt opportunities
  • List brokers or list rental services
  • Selling “Likes” or followers for a social media platform
  • Cryptocurrencies, virtual currencies, and any digital assets related to an Initial Coin Offering
  • Content Subject to Additional Scrutiny
    Certain types of content may cause high abuse rates. For that reason, we may review, suspend, throttle, or disable accounts that offer the following services, products, or content:
  • Online trading, day trading tips, or stock market related content
  • Daily horoscope reports
  • Mortgages and loans
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Nutritional, herbal, and vitamin supplements
  • Adult entertainment/novelty items
  • Online dating services and applications(dating sites or services with a sexual emphasis or sexually explicit content – including images depicting nudity – are not permitted)
  • Real estate
  • Services that support programmatically sending mail on behalf of third parties without creating or reviewing the content
  • Prohibited Actions
  • We work hard to maintain the positive reputation of our platform, but we count on our Members to pitch in too. You may not:


Spam can be in the form of mass emails or one to one commercial emails. You must be able to point to an opt-in signup form or show other evidence of consent for any bulk email you send. Include in your Campaigns, Websites, Ads, or account any material that wasn’t created by you, provided for you to use, or that would violate anyone’s rights. That includes text, photos, graphics, and other content. Use any misleading or incorrect names, addresses, email addresses, subject lines, or other information in the Service or in any emails or messages created or sent using Vast Reach.

You May not:

Share your password. Decipher, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer any of the Software. Use any of the Software to create a competing product. Set up multiple accounts for any person or entity in order to send similar content, unless you’re part of a franchise or agency. Import or incorporate any of this information into any account, audience, emails, or otherwise upload to our servers: Social Security numbers, passwords, security credentials, or sensitive personal information. Send Campaigns that will be delivered to recipients as text, SMS, or MMS messages unless using a feature designed for that purpose. Upload or send email Campaigns to purchased, rented, third-party, co-reg, publicly available data, or partner lists of any kind. Send or forward personal mail. Send content created in Vast Reach through another service. Host images on our servers for any purpose other than for your use of the Service. Host Content on our servers for any purpose other than for your use of the Service. Except as permitted under our Standard Terms of Use, take any action intended to avoid our billing thresholds. Please use Vast Reach campaigns and tasks for your bulk sending needs. Send bulk emails, meaning commercial or marketing emails directed to a number of individuals with the same content, through Vast Reach Inbox. Vast Reach Inbox is designed for one-to-one messages. Please use Vast Reach campaigns or tasks for your bulk sending needs. If you send a message through your Vast Reach Inbox that may be considered a commercial or marketing communication under applicable law, you can use the Opt-out Footer to comply with applicable law and provide your Contacts with the means to unsubscribe from one-to-one messages sent through Inbox.